
Female cameltoe (Original image: CC-license, author Calvin Chan)

I've been writing about male sexuality leaning on my own body, its anatomy and functions and my own experiences. I've had also an educational point of view. I'm wondering if there's need for a blog that is about female sexuality from a male's point of view, and of course there would be educational aspects too. I hope this would give some new perspectives to females into their sexuality and sexual self-esteem and be educational for sexually unexperienced males too.

I don't have many, if any, videos of my own in this area but I've some images and I can use images and videos under Creative Commons (CC) licence if I find suitable ones.

At first I would like to raise females' sexual self-esteem and advice males towards a more respectful attitude to females' sexuality. I respect females enormously and I want that nobody who reads my blogs will never ever offend or abuse neither females nor males and should not accept that kind of behaviour from others.

Female's genital area (Original image: CC-license, Peter Klashorst)

I have a feeling that too many young men consider age peer females just items to fuck. I want to change this if I can but I've very limited ways to do that. In my opinion female's genitalia is a nature's masterpiece of art, aesthetically beautiful and intriguing. You should, both men and women, take time and to watch for a while female's genitalia and find beautiful shapes from them and to learn to appreciate it just as it is and not just a place where to stuff the penis. I think this way it could be possible for men to learn to respect more women and women could get a better self-esteem and self-acceptance.

Next I show you some images of female genitalia (outer genitalia, inner can't be seen) and I don't do that to shock you, instead, I want that you watch them carefully with time to get used to how they look like. Look how beautiful they are! Whether you are a male or female, don't think about sex, just watch, but allow yourself to get sexually aroused if it's going to happen, it's natural and genitals' job is to arouse people.

Labia majora of a 29-year-old female. (My photograph)

Spread labia majora. CC-license, author: Kevin & Evelyn C.

Vagina, "the penis hole" (CC-license, Author Ultra00)

Swollen and wet labia of a sexually aroused 30-year-old female.

I'm spreading female's right labium to show her inner parts of the vulva.

All females have different looking genitalia, all are as good. A hanging labia minora may be just a personal feature, many people find a large and protruding clitoris sexually arousing. There are short and long labia majora, nonexistent and huge labia minora. Just love your/your partner's genitalia, it can be of much fun, more than you could think. And don't forget the aesthetetical aspect.


  1. Nice post! You will write about female mastubation?

    1. Yes, I probably will do that in the near future.

  2. Great post. I think that many women have to learn to appreciate their own bodies and sexuality. The current educational ecosystem still do not allow women to accept themselves as they are. I know some women that when they are surrounded by males at work, high school, public transport... they feel themselves as if they were sexual toys for males to play with. Unfortunately it's not only a matter of self-esteem but also an educational issue on males that don't know how to behave respectfully with women. A pity...


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